Monday, October 3, 2011

The Struggle Continues

I was happy to read that butter plays such a starring role in TPT.  Some things are just heart-warming, and I admit that pretty much any time I hear news that I actually don't need to change something about my life, that's good news.  I get tired of the gloom and doom sometimes, you know? 

It's sort of like this: 

The World:  "By the way there fella... everything you know is wrong, everything you're eating is killing you, and everything you do is making you lame, fat, uninteresting, toxic and generally a burden to yourself and the entire society that has had to carry your sorry butt through your entire miserable life!"
Me:  "Bummer!"
The World:  "Oh wait, butter is okay."
Me:  (Jumping excitedly around the room until I fall to the ground panting, wheezing and unable to function at all after ten seconds because my life up until now has been one episode after another of slow poisoning and sedentary brain-rotting) "Yeah!  Score one for me!"

So I saute stuff in butter.  I go with the unsalted stuff, and try to get the organic stuff while I'm at it.  Why not?  I also put a little butter in with the vegetables while they're steaming.  I don't know if it does anything other than psyche me into thinking they taste better, but I keep doing it. 

Eating healthy used to be something I let other people worry about.  Not so much anymore. 

It used to be when I saw someone in bicycle shorts in the grocery store buying organic this and natural that, I'd think "What a chump!"  Then I'd drive the two blocks back to my apartment, eat an oven pizza or maybe a couple microwave burritos, sit down with a liter of orange soda and watch cartoons in my boxers until I fell asleep rubbing my belly on the couch. 

Now I'm tempted to approach people in grocery stores and beg them not to feed their kids the crap they're scooping into the carts. 

Should I do it?  I know I wouldn't have wanted to hear an impromptu schpeal from a random crazy guy in a grocery store.  Maybe some of those people will stumble across this blog and it will make a difference in their lives. 

Tell your friends!




  1. I love your candidness, Zach!

  2. I did tell a friend about your blog today. She is currently doing it.
