Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Useless Part of a Balanced Breakfast!

It used to be at the end of every cereal commercial it'd say "Part of a complete breakfast!" or "Part of a balanced breakfast!" and eventually "A delicious part of a balanced breakfast", but never did any of them ever say "A stand-alone nutritious breakfast!" 

Why not?  Easy.  They couldn't legally say that because they know and everyone else knows that there's no nutrition involved.  That's not what it's for.  Cereal with pictures of cartoons on it that's loaded with sugar and made almost entirely out of processed corn is not meant to nourish you, it's meant to attract the short attention spans and grabby hands of kids, and to then extract money from your wallet.  Once it's in the pantry it's up to you to figure out how to make it nutritious.

In the morning, when the little fella pours himself a big bowl of that cereal and goes to school, he's not really getting anything that he needs.  He'll be hungry again well before lunch because his brain will tell him that he's not getting enough nutrition, so he'll reach for a snack.  What'll that be?  Some form of pre-wrapped mass-produced food?  I hope not, because that's not going to do anything for him either. 

So what can I feed my kid for breakfast that has some actual nutritional value? 

I love eggs, and I'm usually the one wielding the spatula in the morning so we have them pretty often.  I get them from a local farm whenever they're available.  I usually scramble them (sometimes with bell peppers, sometimes not) in either butter or coconut oil.  I also mix in some whole milk that I buy from the same farm, which makes the eggs more creamy and delicious.  There is some great information on the farms web page, it's definitely worth checking out:  http://breezy-hill-farm.com/

Yogurt is also a good option (we've purchased a yogurt maker so we can make our own but haven't broken it out yet.  I'll have more on that once we get it going), as are cottage cheese and fruit.  All manner of berries are good and good for you.

I've never liked grapefruit myself, but don't let that stop you from eating it for breakfast. 

It's easy to grab a couple of plums (they're everywhere in the grocery stores right now, I've been eating them like crazy) to munch on on the way out the door, or any fruit really.  My daughter loves bananas (she calls them manamanah). 

When I first started on TPT I would hard-boil a dozen eggs at a time and eat a couple for breakfast and snag a couple more for lunch (among other things).  That's easy and quick.  Diversify! 

Breakfast is important for me, because if I don't eat it I get really hungry before lunchtime and I'll eat just about anything, and just about anything is almost never good for me. 


1 comment:

  1. My daughter "robs" me of my fruits all of the time (watermelon, banana, strawberry, orange, mango, tomato, cucumber, you name it. Interestingly, she has not cared to try dates yet, although she likes to play with the seeds). She just loves avocado! I call it the Rowan Tax. I find that children have a lot of innate wisdom... Fruits and veggies for the win!
