Monday, September 19, 2011

Because it's more than just a diet

I'm calling this "TPT" for "This Paleo Thing" because it's not a diet.  It's something else.  Lifestyle, paradigm shift, new leaf... all that.  Whatever.  Hear me out. 

About eight months ago I had my eyes opened.  It started with a few run-ins with my friend Bryan, whose eyes have been open for much longer.  He pointed out some really obvious things that somehow a lot of us ignore. 

Most importantly:  We are feeding ourselves garbage and poison on a daily basis. 

Once I started really paying attention, holy crap!  It's true.  Bryan recommended a book by Rob Wolf called "The Paleo Solution" as a sort of ice-breaker, so I snagged a copy and dug in.  That book did a great job of convincing me to eliminate the poisonous chemicals from my food and to get some actual nutrition.  That was just the beginning.  There's so much more! 

There are a lot of pieces to this puzzle which (largely thanks to Bryans relentless research) I am beginning to assemble. 

I'll be adding to this blog regularly, weighing in with my take on the hunting and gathering that goes on in my world in my ongoing struggle to find nutrition and achieve better health.  How I got through the day, so to speak.  I'll have a lot to say, from a real-world regular-guy perspective.  I encourage you to follow along on this journey. 

It's a process and I'm still figuring it out, so if you have some ideas that you'd like to share as this progresses, please don't hesitate to post them!  I'll shut up for now, I can feel myself wanting to go on and on. 


1 comment:

  1. Yay, I'm famous (I'm Bryan)! I look forward to your future blog posts and am prepared to have my paradigm shifted.
