Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Exercise: The Other Thing You Gotta Do

I've never been a great runner; I'm big and slow.  It does seem to have obvious value though so I try to work it into my schedule.  Even went so far as to buy a treadmill, which makes me feel like a hamster.  I don't mind. 

I'm one of those ridiculously tall people you see out in public once in a while, and I'm also accident prone (really accident prone)... so I'm especially worried about my joints being beaten up by the time I'm old.  It's a real concern!  TPT inadvertently to the rescue! 

Along with TPT comes a whole sort of "back to roots" mentality, which I really dig.  Part of that community is into minimalist running, so (once again tipped off by Bryan) I scored myself a pair of those five toed shoes.  The idea is to simulate running barefoot without having to toughen up your tender little toes. 

I went with Vibrams and it's the only pair I've owned so I can't compare and contrast between brands, but I will say this:  I frikkin love them!  Completely changed my opinion of running. 

Running used to be awful;  I'd hurt in random places during and afterward.  Not anymore! 

When I run now, my heels barely touch the ground.  I take much longer to tire and my calves have really benefited from the workout.  No shin splints either, which was a big problem for me.  Just that small change, letting my feet conform to the ground they way they were meant to do, has let my body re-learn how to run properly and the results are fantastic! 

I've been working the Vibrams for a good while now (several months) and I have yet to plateau.  I  go faster and farther every time and it takes less and less time to recover.  I don't dread it like I used to, and I'm not completely worthless and sore afterwards, which makes a tremendous difference. 

Look into it, there is a lot of literature online about it (, for example)  The only real gripe that people seem to have is that they tried to do too much too fast and got blisters.  Gotta take your time!


1 comment:

  1. YES! A "back to roots" mentality is extremely helpful when facing most modern problems.
